Today I want to talk about living in gratitude each and everyday. It’s been a huge mindshift for me lately and I can totally see the effects that it has had on me and my overall life, health and happiness. I start each morning after I have awaken and start to list to myself things that I am grateful for.

It can be the littlest thing such as my pillow that cradles my head while I sleep to the clean water that comes out of the faucet every time I turn it on to having some of the BEST clientele and supporters of my business, and the list goes on.
You know we all want the “perfect” life right? And then something may happen to us that isn’t so great. I’ll take the pandemic as an example. For me, especially in the beginning, it was scary, my work was taken aways from me. I didn’t know how I was going to survive. I had thoughts of having to move back and live with my mother and that wasn’t something that I wanted at all! I had always been able to make a living for myself…always.
What I think what happens with most people is we tend to pursue life the wrong way. We pursue the when I make enough money, I’ll slow down. When I get the new house, I’ll be happy. When I lose the 10 extra pounds, I’ll be happy. So we continually put “life” off.
It’s never too late to start living in gratitude and changing your mindset! When you show the universe that you are always grateful, it will always return it back to you. It’s a law of the universe. So why not try it on for size.